
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

3 Steps To Achieve Your Business Goals

Guest post by Marketing Writing Expert Robbi Hess

What are your business goals? If someone asked you that, would you be able to give a quick, definitive answer? If your answer is "no" you should take some time right now, today, to sit down and write down your goals. I am a firm believer in the adage, "write it down, make it happen."

Whether you believe that business "success" means you have a healthy balance sheet or if you measure business success by your work/life balance or whatever metric you use, having goals and objectives can help
you achieve success -- whatever that looks like to you.

Here are three items you will need to help you achieve your goals:

  1. A timeline. In order to give a goal a sense of urgency, it needs to have a timeline for completion. If you say, "I want to get 20 more customers" but you don't have a timeline of, "I want to get 20 more customers within the next 30 days" there is no sense of urgency. 
  2. A commitment. If you hit a roadblock or if you keep hearing "no" when you're making a sales call you may need to step back and rethink your strategy. Don't look at these items as the reason to throw in the towel -- look at them as opportunities for growth. 
  3. Celebrate your successes. If you have persevered and are seeing light at the end of the tunnel in your success objective, take some time to congratulate yourself. Use your successes as building blocks toward even higher levels of success. 
Do you have your goals written down? Do you review them at least weekly to see if you're still on track? 

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