
Friday, February 28, 2014

Manufacturers: You Gotta Do Something!

Reading this title you might get the idea I think people don’t do anything. Not true. What I do mean, is that
many manufacturing companies, both in Arizona and across the country, get so caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle that they wind up putting out fires over and over without addressing the lingering and nagging problems that are draining their businesses of valuable time and money.

If you don’t start focusing ON your business, you will most likely need additional fire extinguishers to handle the increasing number and size of problems that will continue to rob you of your time and ultimately your satisfaction in owning a business.

A statement I often hear is, "I don’t have time and I’m already working 80 hours a week!" My response, "Is any of that time spent on thinking about the future of the business or looking closely at specific issues such as cost control, HR or transition planning?" If not, I submit that you are doing things to stand still easier. You may even be losing ground and not know it.

What to do? Well, as with alcoholics, you’ve got to admit you have a problem. Either find a unbiased set of eyes with a consultant or work with one in a group setting in which you will get answers to your questions from them or the group itself.

You’ve got to commit to  a specified amount of time and money for business development for yourself and your staff.  Call or email me and I’ll help you get started down the path of working ON your business, not just IN it.  But start by doing something!

My team works with manufacturers and individuals involved in the manufacturing industry to help them implement best practices. Give our Arizona office a call for a consultation and information on the Senkfor System.

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