
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Taking The Pulse Of The US Manufacturing Industry

I'm continually out talking with presidents and CEOs of manufacturing companies and have been hearing the same refrain: "I think we're on an upswing!" This is great news for them, their companies and the manufacturing industry in America in general.

I came across an article about the state of manufacturing and I wanted to pass it along:

It reads, in part: American Manufacturing is in the news these days. A sudden wave of optimism about growth possibilities seems to pervade the media. There has been a lot of happy  talk in 2013 about the future of manufacturing with titles like:

Manufacturing is a surprising bright spot in U.S. economy - New York times
Comeback: Why the future of Industry is in America - The Atlantic
For the first time in decades the future of American Manufacturing looks promising - Forbes
Why a resurgence in US manufacturing may be the next big bet - PWC.COM

You can read the entire article here:

I'd love to know what you think and how you feel about the state of manufacturing.

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